A World Worth Interacting With

I think the ultimate goal in world/level design is to have the player be constantly aware of the environment and pushed them to actively interact with the world around them to succeed. By world/level I mean the locations takes the game takes place in, whether that's a large open world or a more linear setting. By the design I am referring to how game developers craft these locations for the players to interact with. I have been suffering from open world fatigue the past few years. It isn't enough to have a large and pretty open world to explore if the world itself is simplistic. Many open world games, particularly ubisoft titles, give you a large and lovely open world, but have you do the same tasks on repeat in all of the locations. (take over strongholds, kill a target, collect junk). So even though you can explore the world at your own pace and often in a somewhat free manner this choice in direction means very little. Often there is a list of tasks a...